
“Schmetterling” (Animation)

Animated Short Film with a mix of 3D and 2.5D. It was inspired by a short story illustrated for my psychology class and based on a dream.


Demo Reel (Rigging)


Environment Study (Background)


Tree Reckz (Animation)

A 20 second film created for 3D Production class at Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta.

Animatic for the above work, this shows the steps taken before it was fully animated.


“Poppet” (Background)


Carril De Amor (Rigging)


Milledgeville Film Festival (Animated Bumper)


“Everything But Curiosity” (Character Rigging)

Edited clip from student short film "Everything But Curiosity" by Raven White, I was responsible for developing the cat rig for others to animate.

*Credit for Cat and Sister Kam Rigs

”Everything but Curiosity is a thesis film about an unlucky disgruntled cat, it’s semi-anxious child owner and a friendly stranger concerned about the both of them. It is said that black cats are unlucky for us but what does this mean for the cat in question? This film explores that in nine ways--with some humor.”

Film's Blog: Director's Website:


“Heard” (Background Design)


Student Works